How To Spend Halloween in Transylvania
Are you ready to be very, very afraid this Halloween in one of the spookiest places in the world? If the answer is yes, Dracula Castle Bran opens its door for a terrific party at night. There is no better way to celebrate Halloween than to party it out in the very place where horror fiction was born. You will find the rest of Transylvania crackling with the same holiday spirit, too! So, get your Halloween vibes on and learn how to spend Halloween in Transylvania before your trip.
1. Explore the hidden passageways and staircases in Bran Castle
Meet the Halloween edition of the iconic Dracula Castle tour and join the midnight train in the darkest corners of this mystery lair. The tour will take you to the most intricate stairways that lead to nowhere. Not to mention the hidden passageways below ground level! What makes it a total Halloween adventure is slithering along in these shady spaces in your costumes. One thing is for sure: You will make some spooky friends as you explore the secrets of Dracula Castle.

2. Get in the party mood with traditional costumes
Transylvania’s legend-filled history and fame in fiction make it one of the most creative places when it comes to Halloween fashion. Don’t have a costume just yet? No worries, the vintage shops of Brasov and Bran will give you what you need. If you decide to go for the classic—the one and only Vlad the Impaler—be brave and add your own touches to the costume. We promise you will not be the only vampire in the iconic Halloween costume showcase at Bran Castle.

3. Make the most of the decors with amazing Instagram shots
No place nails Gothic art and Halloween decorations better than Transylvania. The pumpkins are fresh from the field, and the candlelight makes everything look all the more rustic in the Medieval castles and streets. You will not be able to drop your phone with everything looking so photogenic. Pose with the traditional decors in the alleys of Bran and capture the authentic ones in Dracula Castle for your Instagram.

4. Celebrate with locals in Bran and Brasov
It is not only the literature and traditions that make Transylvania perfect for Halloween—have you seen the incredible landscape yet? The colors of the countryside are enough to give you the chills. You will hear tales of the roaming spirits of Strigoi and the haunted forests of cities. If you have the chance, exchange a few words with the locals at the scariest time of the year. Spend Halloween in Transylvania and the folklore will keep you up at night.

5. Feast on holiday-themed delicacies
We can’t keep count of the Dracula-themed restaurants in Bran, or the Halloween festivities held all around Sighisoara, Cluj, and Brasov. There, you will get to taste tantalizing Romanian recipes with a modern touch. Beware, they are dressed even more fashionably than you. Also, don’t forget to have a sip of the Dracula wine before you head to the party! Food is the best reason to spend Halloween in Transylvania.

6. Pay a visit to Corvin Castle for More Halloween flair
It is no surprise that Corvin Castle has its own party on this special evening. This is the secret of how to spend Halloween in Transylvania to the fullest. You can stop by and enjoy some more shows in the bewitching Gothic atmosphere of Corvin Castle. It is the best way to finish the night with an after-party of the real party!

Are you all packed for the scariest time of the year? Experience Halloween in Transylvania on one of our Transylvania tours.
Published at Thu, 27 Oct 2022 09:36:06 +0000